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Thread Title: HIPPA Privacy Rules
Created On Thursday February 26, 2009 2:35 PM

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Thursday February 26, 2009 2:35 PM

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If you are filmed doing a prescribled physical therapy routine at a gym/pool which the insurance co. approved and paid for, is it a HIPPA Privacy Violation? The film was sent to my PTP, QME, AME"S and any other Doctor who wrote an opionion of my percentage of disability.

I beleive that physical therapy is a medical procedure especially when ordered by the PTP.

I welcome your input before I persue this preceived breech.

It will read as, I'm buttering you'll up however all your responces have been most helpful and have provided me with real world guidance.

Thank You


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Thursday February 26, 2009 3:50 PM

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Hi Hard Luck:

It's not a HIPPA violation as this is not for a personal illness, injury and workers' compensation is literally an "open" book, within it's confines of your case.

My dear, we have been through this before. I don't think that you are trying to "butter" "us" up--just desparately seeking answers to the unknown. I for one "loathe" the unknown, and can always deal with the cards put before me. It's when the cards are held by another party and I don't have a clue what is in their hands--that troubles me, personally.

--So far we know that you were filmed at the gym that the I/C and PTP recommended. Sure things can be taken out of context here. For example, (so I hear) exercises are much easier performed in a swimming pool as the water calms the body and allows more flexibility due to the "boyancy." (sp?)

As I recall from prior posts, your case is fairly substantial--100%? Well let me enlighten you and others that may be reading. Anytime an I/W is found 100% or in close proximity--it infers that you can't do anything at all (although others will have a different opinion).

Over my last 20 years as a C/A, its' common practice for an I/C to routinely perform surveillance. For example, I (yes me) used to call the gym and ask how an I/W was progressing... This was especially true since the 24 CAP on P.T. took effect, leavingn an I/W with virtually no other choice than a Personal Trainer and a Gym for therapeutic pain relief and strengthening.

I don't know what your greatest concern is here. I do remember that you must take frequent breaks and lay down (so do I and most of the rest of us). Have the "films" impeached you in any way, via a supplemental medical report? Have you viewed the films yourself, along with your attorney.

If you provide more info--I/we can try to help you a bit more. Hang in there--when you have "pathology," i.e. "objective findings," then they are difficult to overturn. Most of us who have to do literally "anything" that requires physical exertion are on a good dose of "pain meds..."

Take care and do what is right for your body and mind. If the gym works, then don't stop because some P.I. took some film of you exercising in a pool...




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Thursday February 26, 2009 5:13 PM

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HIPPA has to do with your medical records. Workers' Comp is pretty much exempt from HIPPA except in limited situations.

Being in a public place, visible to anyone, like at a gym, has no expectation of privacy and there can be no violation of any privacy if this is the case.

Do not sweat this film if it took place, so long as you are not exceeding the capabilities you expressed to your doctor. Remember "can't" is different from "shouldnt".


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Friday February 27, 2009 8:57 AM

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YOur PTP can easily write a report to refute the findings of a QME/AME who opines unfavorably to a sub rosa film...and from experience, doctors don't like sub rosas any more than the IW being 'maligned' by those tapes.
My own AA after being in the business of representing IW for YEARS... had never seen a sub rosa tape used at trial. Besides that, judges know the tricks used by PI in editing a film...

I don't believe you have any reason to feel uncomfortable here, as long as your activities are as Scooter has outlined...

I dislike the phrase 'get over it'... but I think it's appropriate here...
Discuss this with your PTP, and get a narrative report from him on your abiliity to perform daily life functions with or with out the use of the gym activites...



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