postscript2 Senior Member
Posts: 437
Joined: Sep 2006
Tuesday January 27, 2009 4:35 PM
You know I've always been in denial about this! My legs also hurt/go numb and the knees, esp, hurt. AND, my hands look like crab claws...
Oy vey! What to do??? I'm tired all of the time, and feel like I've aged 10 years over this entire ordeal.
When I was first seen, way back in April/May 2007, I was auth a one time visit with a pain management specialist. He prelimilarily dx'd me with "fibromyalgia" and ordered a host of tests, which of course were ALL denied per U.R. (Go figure:frown. You all know the rest of my story about the 3 PQME's and finally the AME. Multiple painful tests, etc. The crappiest part is that I was still within the 90 day delay period and the first 10k should have been paid. But we've been through this before as well. No need to shoot a dead horse!
I've read about all of the pain associated with RSD from those of you on the forum, but again, I'm in denial. BTW my appt. is not until Thurs, my goof! Oh well, buys me more time to research. Dr's hate it when they have a "knowledgable" patient, esp. surgeons, so I don't anticipate this will go over well if I mention it?
Most of the pain is in the BAD torn shoulder and underneath (armpit). But now that it's in both arms and hands I'm afraid I'm headed for the "special bus..." Believe me when I tell you that I've been through this more times than the moon orbits the earth or vis-versa--just not on "this" side of the equator.
Should I mention that I think I have RSD? Should I just go in and complain about the increasing symptoms and fatigue-lack of sleep, insomnia and pain?
Like I've said before, I "should" know all the answers, but I don't.
Thanks Steve for the link,
Take care,
Edited: Tuesday January 27, 2009 at 10:43 PM by postscript2